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Fix Foundation Crack

Basement Foundation Repairs: Fix Foundation Crack

These cracks should be repaired as soon as possible before they begin to widen and allow water to seep into your basement or crawl space, which is dangerous. Fixing it now will be faster, easier, and less expensive than dealing with more serious structural issues later.

Is it necessary to have it repaired from the outside?

Fortunately, the injectable technology that we have available to repair cracks from the inside works extremely well in the vast majority of cases and allows us to repair a crack that is currently leaking.

What is the best way to repair a settling foundation?

In the case of a settling foundation, it is possible to have it repaired by hiring a company to lift the foundation and level it out again. In order to accomplish this, the crew will need to excavate beneath the specific areas of your home that are sinking. After that, they install piers (also known as pilings) directly beneath the foundation to support it.

What is the best way to repair cracks in a concrete foundation?

Spray the crack with water from a spray bottle, and then use a putty knife to push the hydraulic cement mixture into it from the outside of the cracked surface. Allow this to dry for an hour or two before applying a second layer of cement mixture over the cracked area. Using a trowel, level and smooth the cement patch so that it is flush with the wall surface.

What is the best way to close off the space around a house’s foundation?

You must first clean the gap before proceeding to install the backer rods. Apply the sealant and smooth it out with your fingers. Allow for the curing of the sealant.

What does it look like when there are structural cracks?

The cracks are oriented diagonally. In some cases, angular cracks that move in a diagonal direction or that appear to be a set of stairs moving up your wall are a sign of structural movement and may be slightly more serious than cracks that simply run up and down.

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