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Basement and Crawlspace Mold – Tips and Tricks for Limiting it and Saving Big Bucks by HydroHelp911 for Hickory, NC

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Water damage in the crawl space is frequently associated with mold growth. Mold in the basement is extremely common, as it is the most likely room in a home to experience significant water damage. 

Mold needs to be fed, kept warm, and kept moist to grow. Unfortunately, your basement or crawl space most likely contains all three of these necessary elements, making it an ideal environment for mold growth. There are, thankfully, solutions tailor-made according to the nature of damage curated by the crawl space mold removal company in Hickory, NC, HydroHelp911, for dealing with a basement or crawl space mold growth. 

What is Mold?

Molds are fungi that are naturally present in the environment. They decompose dead organic matter outside. They should, however, be avoided indoors. The key to preventing indoor mold is understanding how mold grows and reducing the conditions that allow it to grow.

Crawl Space Mold Removal Treatment by HydroHelp911

Before we begin mold removal, we usually conduct a mold inspection to ensure that the source of the mold is rectified. If the origin of the fungus is not addressed, the mold may pop back up after it has been removed. To learn more about tackling moisture issues. Watch this video.

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Some of the owners want to know if they have a mold problem. When the mold problem exists, the owners want to know where the mold is coming from. In some cases, owners would like to see evidence of what is going on in the property.


An overview of all affected areas is noted. The crawl space removal experts at HydroHelp911 will outline the source of the moisture and what is causing the mold. Determine the scope of work and provide a quote to resolve the mold problem. Mold samples will be taken for further testing.


The mold removal team at HydroHelp911 will first identify water sources such as leaky pipes, faulty gutters, etc.


Once the crawl space mold removal team of HydroHelp911 identifies the water source causing the mold growth, the next step is to address the issue and fix it so that it doesn’t continue to flow in and exacerbate the problem. Correction of the source of moisture is essential because if the moisture source is not corrected, the mold may reappear after remediation.


Mold is still alive and growing as long as the area is wet. Therefore, before the team begins cleaning, they make sure the region is arid. This process is accelerated by installing fans and dehumidifiers by the crawl space removal team at HydroHelp911 in the basement or the crawl space.

Tips to Keep the Mold at Bay by Crawl Space Mold Removal Experts HydroHelp911

Mold requires two things to grow in a space: moisture and a substance to grow on. Mold begins to grow in less than two days after materials are exposed to humidity in a flood or various other circumstances that require water damage repair. This is why it is critical to dry any damp materials as soon as possible. 


While mold or mildew may be visible in the bath or shower, it frequently occurs in areas not readily visible. Unfortunately, this means you may have to go out of your way to find it. First, check dark, damp areas such as crawl spaces or basements. 


If the mold has damaged a small part of fibrous material, such as carpet, ceiling tiles, or non-load-bearing wall material (such as wood studs or cement), the HydroHelp911 team suggests removing and replacing it. 


When the inside of a home is warmer than the outside, add insulation to prevent condensation from forming on cold surfaces. 


If you have humidity issues in your basement or crawl space, a portable dehumidifier can help. Consider a whole-house solution if you live in an area where humidity or moisture is a general issue. 


Check your ventilation systems regularly, and inspect your HVAC system’s filters and intake systems for mold growth. 


If you face a water leak, clean up the moisture immediately and thoroughly ventilate the area until everything is dry. Don’t coat with paints or cover up areas until they’re dry.

  • After a leak, remove and discard water-damaged ceiling panels, drywall, insulation, carpet, and furniture. Are you not equipped to get relieved of it by yourself? Instead, hire a professional crawl space mold removal expert, HydroHelp911 in Hickory, NC, who will help get rid of the mold for you and treat the infected area. 
  • Check that all drains are clear of debris and that they are draining correctly. 
  • Check the basement or crawl space for foundation cracks and have them sealed as soon as possible if you find any. 

If you have exhaustive water damage or mold growth in the crawl space or the basement, you should contact a trained mold removal specialist, HydroHelp911, for assistance. However, suppose the mold is widespread or more significant than 10 square feet. In that case, it will be a wise decision to contact a crawl space and basement mold removal professional in Hickory, NC. 

Consider the Following Factors:

According to HydroHelp911, a crawl space mold removal specialist in Hickory, NC, you can prevent mold in your basement or crawl space by cleaning regularly and checking for dampness or water leaks. The smell of mold in the basement may also alert you to its presence. Since the basement is enclosed and the air circulation is slow, odors will accumulate and become noticeable over time. Don’t dismiss this sign. 

Also, remember if your house has experienced flooding in the past, you likely have mold growth. 


As you know, mold in the home is dangerous. However, if you know what to look for, it’s usually easy to spot. The following are some key indicators that you may have mold in your home.

  • Mold odor – Not all molds emit an odor, but many do. Mold may be present in the home if you experience a persistent musty smell. 
  • Visible mold growth – Some molds may appear white and thread-like in appearance. Others appear in the form of small black spots in clusters. Mold can be gray-brown, black, gray-green, or white. 
  • Water is leaking – Mold growth from leaks isn’t always obvious, especially if the leak is hidden behind a wall or other concealed surface. If you discover a leak, you must have it repaired as soon as possible. Condensation-prone areas, such as windows and metal pipes, can also be a breeding ground for mold. 
  • Water damage signs – Mold will grow if any moisture is present for an extended period. So if you notice water stains, discoloration walls, ceilings, or bubbling, cracking, or flaking paint or wallpaper, you’re probably dealing with mold issues. 

To know about how to seal a crawl space by yourself. Watch this video!

Why HydroHelp911?

Mold in your basement can cause extensive damage, but prompt action is critical to protecting your belongings and family members. In addition, mildew in the house can be remarkably harmful to your home and your health. If you suspect your home has a mold problem, contact a professional mold removal contractor, HydroHelp911, right away. HydroHelp911 provides crawl space mold inspection and treatment that is safe, affordable, quick, and effective. 


Is mold hazardous?

According to the crawl space, mold removal specialist HydroHelp911 should be removed because it is harmful to the human lungs and respiratory system. However, the degree of danger varies from mild to very high, depending on allergies, sensitivities, and other conditions in your household. 

Is it possible to eradicate mold from your basement altogether?

Mold spores are everywhere in the environment, and they will enter your home before and after any mold removal and prevention measures you take. On the other hand, Mold spores require moisture to grow into a harmful substance, which you can govern. 

What health risk factors are caused due to molds?

People who come in contact with molds frequently face the following health issues: 

  • Eye irritation or Blurred vision 
  • Coughing or Wheezing 
  • Sore throat 
  • Respiratory issues 
  • Headache or Dizziness 
  • Fatigue 
  • Neurological issues 
  • Nausea 
  • Skin Rashes 

How can humidity be reduced?

Utilize an air conditioner or a dehumidifier to reduce humidity, and empty the collected moisture regularly. Mold does not like humidity levels below 60 percent. 

What are the consequences of mold growth in HVAC systems?

If mold begins to grow on the interior of an HVAC system, your problems will become worse because it will distribute mold-contaminated air throughout all the rooms in your home. In this case, professional assistance is advised. 


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Do You Have Basement or Crawl Space Questions?

If you reside in North Carolina and need a highly skilled foundation repair, basement waterproofing or crawl space repair company, look no further! HydroHelp911 is ready to restore the life of your basement or crawl space!